
Brown cs15 doodlejump
Brown cs15 doodlejump

  1. #Brown cs15 doodlejump generator#
  2. #Brown cs15 doodlejump update#
  3. #Brown cs15 doodlejump code#
  4. #Brown cs15 doodlejump free#

Bulki strives to solve this problem with an app that allows users to find others to split the costs of bulk goods, allowing them to purchase individual items at bulk prices. Problem: many grocery store customers in the United States purchase goods in bulk even when they don't need such a large quantity, since it saves costs. Teammates: Leslie Bresnahan, Adam DeHovitz Tools: Java, SQL, AngularJS, Ionic, HTML/CSS/JS Database: Implemented networking to handle multiple clients, fine-grained locking with mutex, and the ability to terminate client threads with SIGINT and exit the server with EOF.

#Brown cs15 doodlejump free#

Malloc: Implemented init(), malloc(), free(), check_heap() and realloc() routines with a linked list of free blocks and cascading, trying to optimize space and performance.ĩ. Shell 2: I extended Shell 1 with signal handling, process groups, job lists with ability to switch between background and foreground jobs, and reaping child processes.Ĩ. Shell 1: I created my own UNIX shell in C featuring file I/O, file redirection, forking, command line parsing, and some built-in shell commands.ħ. Performance was about using Horner's Method to unroll a "for loop" to improve the performance of a polynomial function.Ħ.

brown cs15 doodlejump

Performance + Strings: In the Strings part of the assignment, I implemented seven library string functions, including strcspn(), strncmp(), and strtok(). Includes three phases and an extra credit phase.ĥ.

#Brown cs15 doodlejump code#

Buffer: Examined disassembled code to devise exploits to overflow the buffer with other code. Includes five phases and a secret phase.Ĥ. Bomb: Defused a binary bomb by stepping through the disassembled assembly code using gdb and figuring out what keywords to input. Data: Used bit manipulations to implement nine functions in C, including conditionals, the bang operator (!x), and the absolute value operator.ģ.

#Brown cs15 doodlejump generator#

The maze generator uses a drunken-walk algorithm and the solver uses depth-first search.Ģ. Maze: Implemented a maze generator and maze solver in C. The projects are listed in chronological order.ġ. This was a class I took at Brown, which featured nine projects and twelve labs. Our team was featured on Times Square and was invited to Nasdaq's MarketSite, which is where the photos come from. I also got data from the FiscalNote API since we were initially thinking of converting the frequency of words in government documents to sound, but we didn't end up going through with this idea. I assisted with getting the data from the Nasdaq API into JSON format. Our team's story was featured in two articles at Brown, including one here and in the external link above. This process is known as sonification, and is used by NASA to convert information from space, such as the data from the sun's magnetic field, into sound, so that scientists can listen and detect trends in the data that they might not be able to spot visually. SoundStock converts Nasdaq stock market data into sound, mapping financial factors such as VWAP (volume-weighted average price), price, volatility, volume, bid offer to sound factors such as bass, volume, pitch, modulation, etc. Teammates: Aaron Gokaslan, Laura Pang, Chen Ye Sep 19-20, 2015 HackMIT 2015 Prize: Winner of the Nasdaq Sponsor Prize

brown cs15 doodlejump

Also, the awards ceremony is at 1:52:00 in the YouTube video. the name is a play-on-words with "rendezvous". I also created a home page detailing the initial concept and our team here.

#Brown cs15 doodlejump update#

The website would update with their status in real time using socket.io. Once the "Request Status" button was clicked, each customer would receive a text message inquiring about whether they were free to receive their package. The server would parse the file and display the list of customers in a table. I created the MVP (minimum viable product), which was a website that allowed a delivery person to upload a. I worked on the technical side by myself. My teammates worked on the business and marketing side of the project, doing customer research. RunDvous is a delivery logistics solution that aims to make package delivery more efficient by sending notifications to the customer before package arrival. Teammates: San Twist, Praseed Jagannathan, Kwok Yu Liu, Sreekavitha Parupalli

brown cs15 doodlejump

Summer 2016 Prize: Winner of the Silicon Valley Innovation Academy 2016

Brown cs15 doodlejump